Drik Drik


8:30 AM - 6:00 PM

DD4 and DD31 are limestone streamway caves in Western Victoria. Check the link for Peter Freeman’s article in Caves Australia about the exploration of DD31.

Caving proposed:

Day 1 – (Sat 2nd Nov)
Depending on the weather (if large rain event in progress) DD4 will be the only option and is more exciting if the stream is very active.
Will determine on the day if we only go as far as the waterfall, but if people feel comfortable and their level of enthusiasm, we can travel further upstream.
DD31 is a possibility, but is a more technical cave, and is only suitable for very fit and experienced cavers and will require vertical ladder or SRT competence.

Day 2 – (Sun 3rd Nov)
We can go to some local caves near my home (Davies, Edwards Ridge etc) for a half day or full day.
We will need to have an early start on Saturday morning and be at Drik Drik by 9:00am to begin caving at 09:30 am.

Caving Requirements:

This trip is open to people who have some caving experience in wet caves, vertical SRT or Ladder, tight squeezes, canyoning etc and is not suitable for first time cavers.
Mandatory personal equipment required to join this trip will include:
1. A suitable caving suit, (Cordura type) not baggy cotton overalls.
2. Thermal undergarments (poly prop type) as the cold, wet and muddy streamway can cause hypothermia symptoms if not well prepared.
3. Suitable footwear that is tight fitting, as there is deep mud to walk through.
4. First aid kit, (including a silver thermal blanket in case of a delayed exit from cave).
5. Food and water to last a full day of extensive/demanding caving.
6. A rugged caving pack, including a dry bag to store spare dry clothing, food, first aid kit etc.
7. 1 main headtorch and at least 1 other torch, with spare batteries for both.
8. Helmet and sturdy gloves suitable for wet slippery conditions

*All mandatory equipment will need to be presented to trip leader before entering the caves

Accommodation & Facilities:

I can provide basic camp facilities, such as toilet and camp shower but would prefer if people can be relatively self sufficient (some rooms are available) but limited to 4-5 places.
The shed is an option if the weather is very wet, with plenty of space for swags etc.
There are camp sites along the Glenelg River that can be booked through Parks Vic website, but people will have to arrange their own spots.

Cooking facilities will be available BBQ, Microwave, stove top etc, and depending on what people want to do, there’s the option for eating out in Portland.
Generally, after getting back from caving at Drik Drik, its usually quite late, and eating out options are limited in Portland, (only takeaway).

Accommodation is available at Vinces place from the Friday Night 5:00 pm till Sunday pm.