
In addition to publishing regular newsletters and journals over the years, the Victorian Speleological Association Inc. (VSA) has produced several pamphlets, guidebooks and conference proceedings. All documents that you may find here are the sole property of the VSA whom also reserves all applicable rights and holds the copyrights over all of these documents


Monthly Newsletter and Journal

The VSA Newsletter is published 6 or 7 times a year, alternating with the more substantial Nargun journal which is published 4 times a year. They appear monthly except for the months of January and June. The VSA Newsletter is sent to all members, preferably as a PDF file via email, or a printed copy via post. The Nargun journal is posted to all members, subscribers and a range of other clubs, libraries and Speleological organisations.

Non-members are invited to subscribe to the Nargun journal including those from overseas. Please refer to the membership page for current subscription prices.

Please post your cheque/money order (sorry, no credit cards) with your personal mailing details to:

Nargun Subscriptions
Victorian Speleological Association
GPO Box 5425
Melbourne Victoria 3001

VSA Trip Form

Trip Form is ready now to be filled. You can press directly in the link or copy an paste the following one below. A copy will be send to your email and you can update the information if you need.

Many thanks in advance for your collaboration.

Fill it as a Google Form or download PDF

Caving in Victoria Brochure

vsa pamphlet
The 5th edition of the clubs caving brochure is available as a tri-fold A4 colour pamphlet in many outdoor shops in Melbourne. It is also available for download as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file (543 Kb).

Bat Census Form


VSA History Poster

vsa history poster
This poster was prepared by members of the VSA and details the history and achievements of the club starting from its inception to the present. It can be downloaded as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file (4506 Kb).VSA Pamphlet


Annual Reports & General Meeting Minutes

VSA Annual Reports are available to members only.